Just a friendly reminder that after Jan 14 Windows 7 and editions of Windows Server 2008 will no longer be supported by Microsoft. This could mean many security vulnerabilities could pop up and leave your systems at risk. You should upgrade Windows or look at getting an updated computer. If anyone needs assistance or has any questions please reach out anytime!

Yet another reason to make sure you have up to date commercial anti-virus software!
Granted all anti-virus software has vulnerabilities from time to time, but paid companies like McAfee and Norton have teams of people dedicated to constant testing and zero day patches (getting vulnerabilities fixed and patched as soon as they are discovered). Microsoft seems to be working quickly to get this hole in their system resolved since it was discovered by Google’s Project Zero. As stated in the article linked below, Defender is on most Windows operating systems that are out there these days. If you are someone that is running only windows defender (not recommended) Microsoft will be releasing a patch soon. If you are running commercial anti-virus such as Norton or McAfee, you should be fine. As always if you have any concerns regarding the security of your computer please feel free to reach out to KES Tech Services anytime!

Click Here for the Arstechnica article on the issue.

By Kevin / Alerts / / 0 Comments

Hi Everyone,
I have been getting a lot of emails recently regarding Windows Vista support ending next month. Unfortunately Microsoft did not do as well of a job letting users know of the end of life status of Windows Vista like they did with Windows XP in 2014. If you still happen to have a computer running Vista it is time for an upgrade. After April 11, 2017 Microsoft will no longer be supporting Vista which means if there is a security problem they will not be releasing fixes and your operating system could become compromised. I saw this happen a lot with Windows XP when many people decided to keep running the operating system.
Please reach out with any questions or help if you are looking to upgrade your computer!
Link below for more info from Microsoft.


By Kevin / Alerts / / 0 Comments

Hi Everyone! Just a quick reminder if you are interested in a free upgrade to Windows 10. Today and tomorrow are the last days for the free upgrade from Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 to Windows 10. Unlike Apple who always lets you upgrade your OS for free (depending on the age of your device) Microsoft is only letting you upgrade for free until tomorrow.