By Kevin / Alerts / / 0 Comments

Beware the scammers 1

Hi Everyone! There are a lot of computer scams out there right now and I’m going to start posting the most popular ones so you can avoid them. Hopefully I can help steer you away from getting nailed by one of these nasty scams.

The first one is the classic “tech support” scam. This one has been around for a while. You get a email, call, or pop up on your computer screen saying you have a virus. You call their number, let them into your computer to “fix it”, they show you a bunch of fake problems, and charge you money for a subscription of their fake virus software. They take all of your personal documents and look through your entire computer when you let them in. If you do not keep renewing the subscription to their service or get impatient with them, they will lock you out of your computer and erase everything. Never call a number that pops up on your computer and only use name brand virus protection products. If you ever have a doubt that your computer is not running 100% or you may have a virus, call me asap! The only fix if you let them in is to wipe out your computer and start over. Plus you need to notify your bank and the credit reporting institutions because now the scammers have your payment information and any private/banking/financial information that was in your computer. Beware the scammers! Please email me anytime if you have any questions!