A little known fact about the most popular messaging app in use today is the very accurate Geo Locating system that is built in. Inside Snapchat there is a feature called Snap Map. This allows you to Geo Locate your friends. Sometimes down to their exact location. This may be fun for teenagers looking to see where their friends are in the city, but can also be on the creepy side for your other Snapchat followers to see where you are at any time you are in the app. In the article linked below there is some information on enabling an option in Snapchat called Ghost Mode. This disables the Snap Map Geo Location feature. I recommend this be turned on for any Snapchat user. I also recommend checking the settings menus on any app you download. You never know what privacy intruding options are hiding in apps now that someone may consider fun.
If you need any assistance with Snapchat or in strengthening your online privacy send us an email to schedule an appointment!